Billy Collins, the US Poet Laureate


Billy Collins:
Can you believe it? He's the Poet Laureate. There must be some
sanity in this world. But that's not all: best-selling books.
An underground CD. Featured on NPR's Prairie Home Companion
and Fresh Air. Spotted speaking to Congress and seen on the
front page of the Sunday New York Times. Gee willikers. What
will he do next? Chances are you might find him somewhere near
you. Check your local sources for more information. And in the
meantime, learn more about our favorite poet. |

Big Snap online exclusive: Read and listen to selected poems from THE BEST CIGARETTE (CD Audiobook). Also, complete text for all poems heard on Prairie Home Companion. Get your poem fix here!

What's the latest?
What's up with Billy? WEll, he's been recently named the official
US Poet Laureate, after being named the April 2000 featured
poet in Poetry Magazine.Psst. Here's a little secret. You can
book Billy for your event. Get in contact with the Stephen Barclay
Agency for more information. |

Books and recordings:
One's on the way. One's a best seller. Two are re-released gems.
Some are out of print. Some you can buy on the spot. All are
worth a look. Covers and poem lists here. We suggest supporting
your local independent bookstore, but you can also support this
website by buying them here. See below for how to buy.
Our Favorites:
Picnic, Lightning (paperback)
The Best Cigarette (CD audiobook) |


Collins' books and recordings can be purchased (or special ordered)
through your local bigtime or independent bookstore, or through
Here's how:
1) Browse our BOOKS+ section to find the book you want. 2) Click the BUY button to go to that book's page at Amazon.com.
Thank you: Billy Collins, poetry Eric Antonow, cd Linda Gardner, Big Snap

� 2002, 1997 Big Snap